Sunday 31 October 2010

sAat !ni...

saat kebingungan melanda diriku....pttnya time aku kusyuk stdy utk exam selasa ntah hati jadi sayu, sedih,sunyi,lalu ku nangis dlm sendu...!..wah gitu skali...lalu jari jemari menjadi sensitif,terasa ingin menekan2 keyboard lappy tersyg..lalu terukirlah nukilan dari hati ini..... 

saat ini,

Kala hembusan nafasmu menusuk tulangku
Belaian indah matamu sejukkan hatiku
Saat telingaku haus akan suaramu
Kau sentuh hasratku melalui tatapanmu

Terpaku jiwaku saat memandangmu
Terbujur kaku tubuhku saat kau sentuh
Melayang terbayang jiwa entah kemana
Saat rasakan indahnya bersama dirimu

Lambaian jiwamu
Hantui setiap hembusan nafasku
Iringi setiap langkah langkahku
Dan memacu setiap semangatku

Jiwa terasa sesak tanpa hadirnya kau di sisiku
Jantung terasa pekat tanpa tatapanmu
Dimanakah kau berada…?

Saat jiwaku memerlukanmu…
Kemanakah engkau pergi…?
Saat ragaku mencarimu…
Dimana engkau berada saat ini…?
aKu sentiasa berharap nukilan ini bakal membuat kamu lebih memahamiku,Semoga kamu juga mengerti isi hatiku di nukilanku ini…....

Monday 25 October 2010


20.10.2010 tarikh sangat bermakna padaku n kekasih atiku..pada dia memang indah sbb tarikh ni tarikh besday dia yg mana dia janjikan tahun lepas untuk kami bertunang tetapi dgn xsengaja kna la plak tunda atas sbb yg xdpt nk bgtau(sibuk je korg nih!)..hik3..bila nk dtg jer saat tarikh ni aku sgt benci septtnya saat ni aku nntikan dulu tp skg aku trpksa lupakan...
tp.........aku bangga sbb dia wira hatiku,dia punya sedaya upaya tenangkan aku jgn sdih2...he2..yg kelakar 2 mak aku,bila gtau jer yg xjdi ada plak mak aku kta 'np?xjdi ker?'..'xnk tunang plak?'..'nk kawen trus ker?'..'ke dh xsyg dh?'..putus dh ker'..'dh ada org lain ek?'..'np tetiba xjdi nih?'..'cuba cite?'..'nnt mak ckp ngan dia?'..hahahahaha...mak oh mak,1 soaln pun xsmpt nk jwb soalan mak dh sepuluh...hahaha...aku pun terangla keadaan sbnr mak pun kta 'ooo ingt apa tdi,risau aih..'..he2,syg gak mak ngan kami berdua(perasan la plak)..................
ada bnda yg lgi best kami dh set dh bila sesuai untuk hal yg xjdi tuh...xsabar tol...nnt aku gtau korg k bila,skg kna tgu la biar suspen skit!.ape2 pon aku syg dia....SAIFUL BAHARI MOHD KAMAL is my SOUL!!!!!

uNtUkMu @;---

 All I care about is being with you forever.
All the gold and diamond in the world are not enough to  buy the love I have for you.
God created you for just for me.
I am addicted to your love.
I am crazy about you.
I cannot live without you.
I cannot stop thinking about you.
I did not mean to hurt your feelings.
I do not want to wake up from this wonderful dream with you.
I feel safe when I am with you.
I get lost in ecstasy when you make love to me.
I have finally discovered true love – you.
I love talking to you.
I love the way you make love to me.
I miss your hugs and kisses when we are apart.
I thank God for the day he brought you into my life.
I want to spend forever with you.
I will give anything to be with you.
I will give you my heart, my body, and my soul.
I will go with you to the ends of the world as long as you keep loving me.
I will rather be broke than trade your love for a million dollars.
I will travel a thousand miles to be with you.
I wish God had brought you to me sooner.
If anything happens to you, I will go crazy.
If I could I would make love to you a thousand times.
If I had to live life over again, I would live it with you.
If loving you is a sin, then let me be guilty.
If our love is blind, then I never want it to see the light of day.
Life without you will be like going to sleep and never having sweet dreams.
  Loving you feels like heaven.
  Loving you has made life even sweeter.
Loving you has made my life so full of joy and happiness.
My heart cries when we are apart.
  You are my love, my heart, and my life.
Nothing will ever stop me from loving you.
Ooh sweetie, you are so good to me.
Your warm hugs and your tender kisses are more precious than gold.
Talking to you is like sipping the most delicious wine – I want it to last forever.
The times we spend together are like precious gems that money cannot buy.
Time stops when you hold me in your arms.
When I am with you, my troubles seem to melt away.
  Words are not enough to express how much I love you.
You are my prince.
  You are my soul mate.

Wednesday 6 October 2010


perut...!pelik kan ngan benda aku nk citer ari,,tp prt ni mmg wat aku bengang sgt..hu2..dr pgi 'dia' asyik minta aku g toilet jer..nk kta mkn lom mkn tp skit btul..nek letih'dia' 2 spa???'dia' 2 perut la...hahahaah...dhla skit perut dalam kelas  MAK LEHA tdi sejuk mcm dok dalam ais batu, cma tgu aku jdi ais ja..dh la time klas dia sespa pun xleh g toilet..aduh!cmner ni.'dia' dh meronta2 suh aku g toilet...sbrkan hati tenangkan jiwa..he2..kotor punya olang...=) wink2~


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Tuesday 5 October 2010



I think about
How hard you work
And how much you do
For our family..
I remember the times
You’ve encouraged me
and how your wisdom
has helped me through..
I look back on how much
we’ve always meant
to each other
and always will..
there are so many times
when I think of you
and feel proud
and thankful
and very lucky
you’re my DAD….
I will LOVE U till da end of my life,
nobody could replace u as my DAD forever…

rndu dia...

aku rindu dia...
sjak akhir2 ni asyik pk dia jer...mgkin di asyk berserabut kot pk duit kawen(malu plak),duit nk beli kete..byk duit laki aku neh,nk pau skit..opss!..kikis ke aku neh?..mna ada.he2....he2..aku lak serabut pk diri aku yg macam2 timpa..migrain terukla plak time nk dkt2 exam,makan ubat dh mcm mkn nasi..hu2..ada plak mak leha kata aku saja2 wat sakit,aku ni dh mcm separuh mati kat bilik muntah nk terkuar urat perut dia kata saja,pening smpi urat pala n otak2 nk tercabut..xphamla aku manusia nih,bkn bersedih n doakan cpt smbuh malah meletakkan fitnah bertubi kat kita..lantakla dia,ada aku kacau toilet dia msa aku muntah2..wek!perlu ke statement nih.muahahaha..=)..aduh sbr jela..bosan2...yg penting aku rindu miss kangen dia...saranghae yo saiful bahari..!